Towards the development of Shea Industry in Nigeria
As part of strengthening financial management sustainability for private Sectors Associations, the Health Strategy and Development Foundation through its CLOSA project learning event under its USAID partnership held a 2-day event at the Grand Cubana Hotel, Abuja on the 1st and 2nd August 2023.
The event also included panel discussion on strategies and innovations for improving membership engagement and value proposition. The session was enlightening as members noted the only way to consistently build on its membership is to create innovative solutions that addresses their Association’s needs.
NASPAN was represented by the Administrative Secretary, Ms. Aderemi Apatira and members of Staff of the Association.
In an opening remarks done by Dr Yewande Ogundeji, Project Director for CLOSA, HSDF, the Director said the Connect Learn event was a critical one as most Associations were doing exceptionally well but have not been able to build or strengthen their financial management control system towards achieving a sustainable development. She said, the aim of the event is to help Global
In her remarks, Ms. Apatira noted that it’s time for NASPAN and other PSAs alike to imbibe in the culture of building a sustainable financial system that will help the organization to become financially self-reliant of which the CLOSA project is a step in the right direction to actualize NASPAN purpose.
The event was a practical learning and connecting through networking with other PSAs to achieving each other’s aims and objectives as well as understanding the guides that will help in driving membership engagement and retention through value propositions.
Day-1 of the training had members split into groups to brainstorm on collective sense-making of adaptive and effective strategies for membership engagement and retention. This was achievable through the adoption of cross fertilization of ideas. The session which was facilitated by Yusuf Zaki, showed to members the level of their operational capacities while learning on new ideas.
Day -2 of the training was on how to understand the components of a strong financial management system. The session was facilitated by two financial Management Specialist of the HSDF; Isaac Omonoju and Uche Eze.
NASPAN looked forward to a more robust collaboration with the HSDF/CLOSA.


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